Empowering customer centricity with rapid product build

We rapidly designed, developed and deployed an intuitive internal tool that drives organisational change and continual improvement by directly connecting Bupa leadership to recordings of customer feedback.
Product build
We partnered with Bupa to deliver innovation and customer centricity to their teams.
Bupa is a global leader in health insurance and health care with a strong, and very real, customer focus. Bupa’s leadership comprises 600 people whose remit includes driving continuous improvement in customer experience. This is a global strategy adopted by leaders in every market unit and country across 5 continents.

Everest Engineering rapidly designed, developed and deployed an intuitive internal tool that drives organisational change and continual improvement by directly connecting Bupa leadership to recordings of customer feedback. Replacing cumbersome manual processes, the new system: enhanced the user experience, improved business efficiency, boosted external customer satisfaction, and increased executive engagement.
We collaborated with Bupa to build an innovative tool that drives organisational change and customer centric continual improvement across the organisation. Our iterative approach enhanced the user experience, improved business efficiency and  increase executive engagement.
" We are incredibly grateful to Everest Engineering for helping build our product.  The Everest team went above and beyond and we are thrilled with the result.Working with Everest has proven invaluable. As we scale, we have complete confidence in the product’s ability to handle our growing needs. We don’t have to worry about hidden issues –
we know it’s built to scale! "

Elena Tsalanidis

The value  we brought

Build to learn

Our iteratively approach allowed the team to learn as we built and continously refine the product to create an outstanidng experience.

Executive engagement

Our collaborative approach engaged the leadership to make sure the tool would adapt to their needs and enable Bupa's business goals.

Cross functional excellence

Our team of designers, product and engineers work collaboratively to minimise waste and ensure the best product outcome.

 Bupa's customer commitment
Bupa is a global leader in health insurance and health care with a strong, and very real, customer focus. Bupa’s leadership comprises 600 people whose remit includes driving continuous improvement in customer experience. This is a global strategy adopted by leaders in every market unit and country across 5 continents.
A costumer centric mission
Bupa ANZ leadership saw a need for a consistent way to globally track and boost executives’ direct engagement with recordings of detailed feedback from NPS detractors. This feedback would be used to submit ideas for business improvement to a downstream improvement process.

Existing processes were manual, varied between regions and employed an array of different technologies. This created friction for users, discouraged engagement and hampered transparency as it was impossible to track how well customer feedback resulted in actual improvements.

With the support of Bupa’s Global CIO, Bupa ANZ took a startup approach within the larger organisation,  with the goal of quickly creating a solution that could solve this problem for the Australian business and potentially scale to other countries seamlessly.

To succeed, the new system needed to provide an exemplary user experience, frictionless integration with existing Bupa systems, and be the first ready for adoption. Success would earn Bupa ANZ a reputation for delivering internally a substantive, web scale solution,   and create opportunities to take on additional customer problems in Australia and New Zealand.
A collaborative engagement
Everest Engineering was engaged by Bupa ANZ due to our reputation for delivering quality outcomes with agility.We deployed a single scrum team with a mix of Australian and Indian based developers, a business analyst, and a user experience designer. The team included a Bupa appointed scrum master capable of navigating the complex systems and environment present in large organisations. Bupa also committed a Product Owner to set direction on features and exceeded  the end product met and exceeded expectations.

Agile in the original sense

Beginning with a focus on user experience and process mapping, the team discovered that a group of Bupa employees had already assembled a makeshift system using technology already available to them.

The team worked with the existing people, process and tools, taking the users and stakeholders on a shared journey of rapid and incremental improvements. This significantly simplified what needed to be built into the system for the initial launch (MVP) and provided the team with the opportunity to learn from what came before.

The first version was released in two months, possibly the fastest launch of a new product ever in the global Bupa business. Early feedback was positive and included comments around: the improved listening experience, user-friendliness, the use of branding, seamless user authentication, and an early dashboard tracking key performance metrics.

This early success gained the project significant attention and created an immediate impact by introducing a level of transparency that catalysed immediate internal improvements.

Building on success

The Everest team further impressed Bupa’s leadership team by shifting to a weekly release cycle so that business value in the form of new features and enhancements could be placed into the hands of users quickly. This, combined with early feature releases, created short feedback cycles which delighted an engaged user based which could see their feedback and feature requests were making a tangible impact on the project.

The solution proved so valuable for Australia and New Zealand it has been deployed and operationalised for the UK and Bupa Global business; and also translated and deployed to Saudi Arabia which brought a different set of challenges solved by the Everest team.

Upon the solution going live the team held showcases with Senior Group Executives. Feedback from one particular Executive upon having his first live demo was

“This is absolutely brilliant. I just went on it and I’m blown away to be honest. That’s pretty much a consumer grade experience!”

The Group CEO is known to occasionally open up the App and show Executives and Board members, even from other companies.
MVP Launch
Conduct comprehensive market research, utilizing a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, to identify and deeply understand the primary challenges, frustrations, and unmet needs that Heatseeker's target audience currently faces.
Rapid POC Development
Our team rapidly developed a working prototype within three weeks, showcasing the core functionality of our product concept. This proof of concept served to effectively demonstrate the technical feasibility and market potential of our idea. The successful demonstration significantly bolstered investor confidence in our vision, ultimately leading to securing the necessary funding to further develop and launch our product.
Data-Driven Iteration
We successfully brought our initial product to market within a remarkably short two-month timeframe, prioritizing speed and efficiency to gain early traction and user feedback.
MVP Launch
Conduct comprehensive market research, utilizing a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, to identify and deeply understand the primary challenges, frustrations, and unmet needs that Heatseeker's target audience currently faces.
Rapid POC Development
Our team rapidly developed a working prototype within three weeks, showcasing the core functionality of our product concept. This proof of concept served to effectively demonstrate the technical feasibility and market potential of our idea. The successful demonstration significantly bolstered investor confidence in our vision, ultimately leading to securing the necessary funding to further develop and launch our product.
Data-Driven Iteration
We successfully brought our initial product to market within a remarkably short two-month timeframe, prioritizing speed and efficiency to gain early traction and user feedback.
Real world impact
The project created a tangible and positive impact within Bupa and for Bupa’s customers.The team was delighted to see their work result in:
  • allowing executives to get first hand customer feedback directly;
  • the new system was integrated with an industry leading idea management application, allowing executive’s suggestions to be collected and tracked;
  • customer grievances were able to be prioritised so that top customer issues could be assigned more resources;
  • tailored user experience design provided a seamless feedback experience to tagging specific grievances for later discussions to attaching ideas to improve overall customer experience
  • allowed business to highlight top grievances to focus more resources towards its redressal rapidly
The team made a conscious decision to select technology that was familiar to Bupa’s internal teams and part of their existing technology investment . This reduced Bupa’s cost of ownership of the new system by keeping the maintenance and system operations overhead low. The application was containerised and deployed to Bupa ANZ’s container orchestration platform. With zero downtime deployments, self healing and auto-scaling redundancy, the application is available for global use around the clock.
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